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Doris Howarth
Doris Howarth, passed away unexpectedly but peacefully at home on Tuesday 9th June 2020, aged 83 years.
In her early years Doris worked as a probationary WPC before working as a Radio Electronic Spot Welder, she then became a full-time housewife for her beloved husband Brian.
She devoted her life as a Guider for Girlguiding, at Cannon St Baptist, where she was a huge positive influence on the girls and a true inspiration to them, of which many have continued her legacy and are still Guiding to this day. Music was also a key part of Doris’s life and she was an extremely talented musician, she passed her skills on by teaching many Guides different types of music over the years. She also formed the Girl Guides – Lancashire East County Band, and together they performed all over Lancashire and beyond. Doris also received many Guiding awards, including the prestigious Laurel award. She was also an incredibly talented artist and calligrapher.
She sadly leaves behind her dear niece Linda and nephews Malcolm, Michael and Stephen.
Doris will be very sadly missed by all her family, her Guiding friends and all those whose lives she touched.
Her funeral service will be held at 10.00am, on Wednesday 15th July 2020 at St James Church, Accrington. Anyone who wishes to pay their respects may do so by adhering to the current social distancing rules in the Church Grounds and along Cannon St. A socially distant Guard of Honour will also be formed at the entrance to the church.
Donations in memory of Doris are being received for the Accrington Division Girl Guides, either over the phone or by envelope drop off at the funeral home (Accrington or Oswaldtwistle), further enquires please to Sarah Barton at Barton & Hallworth Funeral Service, The Old Foxhill, 136-8 Union Road, Oswaldtwistle. BB5 3DR. Tel: 01254 390542.